Sunday, March 28

Daylight Saving Time (or Andrew's Panic Day)

Well I'm back and in a much better mood than yesterday. Does that sound good to you? It doesn't? I'm obviously doing something wrong then.

One week. Seven days. One hundred and sixty eight hours. Ten thousand and eighty minutes. Whatever way you look at it, the countdown to carnivoreism has begun. I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself when I can finally eat meat again. Why is it always that you don't realise what you have til it's gone? Cause thats a suckish way of doing things if you want my take on the matter. It's not just meat. Friends, Relatives, Toys (eg twister) all come under that category. (Damn it. I want to play twister now.)

One person has answered my plea for a childhood. One. A person that has every right to hate me. This confuses me. And I don't like being confused. It hurts my head (Not that one sickos) Well, the request is still there. Lion King and someone to watch it with. I feel like I should have one of those charity videos. Something along the lines of "Andrew is a poor boy. But he is not a boy. He has yet to have a childhood. Until then he is a thing. Just one DVD and one person can change this things life forever. Please." with "Bohemian Rhapsody" playing as the backing track.
> I should win an oscar for that.

Watched a few films today. Scooby Doo, Bit of Apollo 13. Bicentenial man. (I still don't know what that one was about as well guys.) All with much funness and hilarity. Woo. Can't beat that on a Sunday can you?

Listening to music usually cheers me up. But right now. I think I'm listening to something I think I shouldn't. "Love, Love. Kiss, Kiss. Blah, Blah, Blah. You're making me sick. I wish you'd just stop, showing off for the rest of us that noone wants to love..." Okay. Lets turn that off shall we.
Thats better. Wait. No it isn't. "Tell my mother, tell my father. I've done the best I can. To make them realise this is my life. I hope they understand...sometimes goodbye is a second chance..." Next.
Okay, what now... "Stop there and let me correct it, I wanna live a life from a new perspective..." Why do I bother with my music. Fingers crossed.
COME ON!!!! "No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man..." Last chance media player. I'm warning you...
Finally. "I've been roaming around always looking down at all I see..." Much better. Well, just slightly. But it'll do.

Well, someone wants to know who I like. I shall not say who wants to know (Chr-s, fill in the blanks people) Not telling, Mr C. Lips are sealed. So there.

Did anyone else forget the clocks went forward? Cause I did. Woke up at half 8 thinking plenty of time. I think I had 10 minutes to get ready once I realised. Bad times. Stupid system. Should change it for a decimal one. With 10 hours in a day. And 100 minutes in an hour. And 100 seconds in a minute. That would work. I shall introduce it when I take over the world.

I. Hate. Farmville. Just saying. It's pointless. It annoys me with all the updates. "Can I get a watering can?" No, you can get the hell of my page though.
While on this topic, I hate the horoscope things on Facebook as well. With a burning passion. I'd consider my left hand in a trade for it to be stopped. Thats how much I hate them.

Anyway, I have crops in farmville that need tending... NOT. I'd rather poke out my eyes with a rusty spatula. No, really. Honest.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:


    also, nice bloggy bloggy blog blog :)
