Wednesday, March 24

A Distinct Lack of Childhood

To start with, I'd just like to say that you don't have to read this. Especially the person who keeps telling me "Your blogs s***." "I hate your blog." I'm not forcing you to read this. If you feel this is a waste of 5 minutes of your life, fine. Thanks for your opinion. Now get off. I mean it. Go back to facebook/farmville/whatever and leave me alone.

Well, now thats done with...

Recently I have been reminded about my "lack of a childhood." This has been brought up because I have never seen "The Lion King." Also, the fact that I have only seen half "The Jungle Book" means I have no soul. This isn't good. I like my soul, despite it's blackened, twisted form. Well, no more. I am going to regenerate my soul. If you have "The Lion King" or "The Jungle Book" and wouldn't mind letting me borrow it, then it's time for me to have a childhood. At 17 years of age. Yay. It would even better if someone would watch it with me. If left alone, I would probably wander off half way through it. Let me know. Cheers.

Quiz tonight. Meh. I really can't be bothered. However, I will go. I will win. And I shall probably have fun. But right now. At this exact moment in time... can't be bothered. At all.
I have just remembered that I do not have two NAB's this week. I have three. Yay. And guess what... They are all tomorrow. Double yay. How much revision have I done? Well... not enough. Not anywhere near enough. Triple yay.

St Andrew's Got Talent. Yeah, believe it or not. He really does. He spoke to Jesus about his juggling act and performed it in front of the other apostles. Really. True story.

Well, of course I mean the talent show. I am one of the "Backstage Boiz" or whatever we're called now. Free ticket in return for shouting at all the acts. Sounds good to me. Also, TAKE THAT MS SMITH!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO THE SHOW!!!!! NAH NAH NEH NAH NAH!!!!!! (I have wanted to say that since yesterday btw.)

Lunchtime was good. Although my "sick minded" comebacks may have annoyed some people. I'm sorry that I see the innuendos in almost any conversation. But you lot do make it way too easy... I mean, come on, "It's a bit stiff.", "What did you just put on my face?", "She likes the bits in her juice." & "What do you use your hands for?" If it's only me that see's what can be said about those things, then I will admit being sick minded and will apologise and try to stop. If it is not just me, then... well, I'm not going to do much. I may tone it down a little bit. If you're nice. If I feel like it. If I can be bothered...

Well, I hope you all liked my blog today. I hope also that someone will stop saying "Your blogs s***." I really don't care what you think. Now go and use your blackberry to constantly be on facebook and msn. Go bitch about it on your status. I really don't care. Out of the two of us, me with my blog and you with your blackberry, who's more sad?

Anyway, on that cheery note time to go away...

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. your blogs are decent :) I have the Lion King on video btw but I must warm you I always cry when mufasa dies :'(
    nellyways byyye :))))

  2. by the way the comment above is from me . . . Blondie :)))
