Wednesday, March 17

Why am I here then?

As one of my friend ever so regularaly says "so *enter word here* huh, whats up with that..."

well, sorry gonna have to nick it from you...

Hmm, "so blogs huh, whats up with that..."

Hmm, I feel a sidetrack coming ahead...

As you may have guessed this is my first attempt at this newfangled thing so bear with me. You never know, it might actually get interesting...

...or not.

Before i start with the hardcore blogging, I'm gonna clear things up.

Anyone that knows me from school will know me as one of two things:
A) The clever geek guy (chess team captain, know-it-all and general smart arse)
B) The guy who pulled at Jesus Camp.

Well, to clear this all up
-I am chess captain, I go to the chess club, I also very occaisionally play chess. Does that make me any less of a person than the guy who gets drunk and "aff his heid" every weekend or the girl who opens her legs to any Tom, Dick or Harry?
-Can anybody define a geek to me? If you can let me know, and then you can tell me whats an emo, a scene kid, a chav, a jock, a ned, a goth and every other "social group" there are. All of these boundaries which used to be oh so clear to me are now blurred. Might mean I get on with more people, but it confuses the hell out of me. I actually have to get to know someone before deciding they are a dick. (I do remember the easy days when I could just say if I would like someone from the clothes they wore- those were the days...)
-I did not pull at jesus camp. I may have pulled from it, but that period of my life is over, gone and gathering dust like all my other relationships.

Oh, now onto relationships...

As a reminder to anyone who heard a certain rumour about me... I DID NOT GET LAUREN GRAY PREGNANT!!!!

There. I feel much better now. Back to the important issue

So, why I am here...
Well, i could say that I needed to find a place to put my inner thoughts so I could stop worrying about everything. I could say that I wanted people to understand me more so they could see things from my point of view.

Or I could just say that I saw other peoples blogs and thought this could be a good idea...

Well, so what. I've jumped on the bandwagon, how many of you haven't at some point? All I want is what everyone wants, acceptance. For who they have been, who they are and who they will be. I'm not going to promise I'll be this person forever. I can't. I won't. I do not want to be this person forever. Maybe occaisionally, I might cross the blurred borders of the social groups. (I have been hovering some where between emo and geek for a while now.) Maybe I might become more of a ned, or become even more emoish. Well, what will happen will happen when it's ready. So I'm not going to worry about it. At all. Got it? Good.

Anyway, this pot of self depression and pity has to go do things in the real world now. You know, like preparing to starve myself for the good of others. That kinda thing.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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