Friday, March 19

Food Glorious Food (and other things as well)

Well, friday night. I'm sitting in my room on my laptop just after watching the smithy sketch on sports relief.
As you can see, I lead a fulfiling life.

So, why am I not out "on the pull"? Doing what "slut-boy" is expected to do?

I can't be bothered. Ok? It is really as simple as that. (lets forget the fact no-ones invited me out this weekend)

The reasons for this lack of botheredness would probably have to be listed. Top of the list would be my recent "charitable helping of others by the refusal of nourishment for 24 hours." [Yes, I do know I could have just wrote "Actfast" but I want it to be special] To put it bluntly, my body is rebelling against me. My stomach feels hungry but I can't eat. I feel tired but I can't sleep. And my right ankle is stinging like a f.... well, lets just say it hurts. A lot.
As you would expect from any reasonable human being, when the time came for food, I had food. Well, to be specific, eggs. 5 in fact. [Does it disturb me that I have eaten my weeks allowance of eggs in 20 minutes? Well, it does now.] As I watched everyone else in the year feel rotten with sore heads and tummys I applauded my self control as I was not feeling anything. I thought I'd gotten away with it. I really had. Well, I didn't and we shall leave it at that.
Next would be the fact that everything I seemed to do today seemed to go horribly, horribly wrong. I play guitar in music- I get told to shut up because I'm not playing poppy, happy songs. I try and be funny and end up making someone almost break down in tears. I try to make a move on the girl I like but they are still completely oblivious. I come home try to do homework and get shouted at because I'm on my laptop. Fantastic. Just fandabedozy.
Finally, I am meant to be helping to plan a group road(rail)trip round Europe. To be honest, I have already done tons of work on this. Due to the fact that if we went on our original dates one of the group couldn't come I asked for the dates to be changed. I realised 3 days ago that these dates mean that I have 7ish hours to get back from Nottingham, get changed, get to Edinburgh airport and deal with all the stress between. Hmm, Andrew-Helping others before himself. Should be my bloody catchphrase.

Anyway, I am sorry to anyone I may of offended, insulted or snapped at today. Been a little cranky today and I shouldn't have done some of the stuff I did/said. I am not sorry for playing my guitar in my music class, where I am supposed to play it. I am also not sorry for doing homework (despite the fact it's killing my eyes)

Anyway, work tomorrow, so I should probably be catching some shut eye so I don't attempt to kill everyone tomorrow.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. Hey Andrew, that is gutting to the highest degree, I hope things turn around. I am annoyed by the music class, it is your f'ing class and they told you to shut up even though they shouldn't have been there? Should have given them all a kick to the groin. Especially THAT GUY!

  2. Thanks for the show of support Chris. I may have to act on that later.
