Sunday, May 9

I'm Not Sorry- Pigeon Detectives.

I never thought my blog would last this long. Honestly, 26 posts! What have I been talking about? Oh yeah. Correction. What have I been ranting about?

Also, I know I'd never name my blog after a song again... I'm sorry. Seemed appropriate.

Ok, on to the matter at hand. Hi all. I feel better now. Friends have been comforting me. Which has helped. However, one person had a bigger impact on me than anyone else. They told me to stop being sorry. So I will. It's very hard to feel sorry for yourself when someone says it makes you look stupid. So, self pity has been replaced by guarded optimism. It's an improvement. However slight.
I have accepted that what happened was not Scotts fault. We are now fine. I know exactly who's fault it was and I am currently removing them from my life.
More on my last post. It was not directed at anyone in particular. Someone felt it was. I'm not sorry. You told me to stop being sorry, so I have. I did not mean for you to think you were a monster, but if you do, thats your problem. "You've made your bed, now go sleep in it", that's what you told me. Live by your own advice. You also said that everyone who reads this will think of you as a monster. Oh well, I'm not sorry. I'm not allowed or supposed to be anymore.

Thanks everyone. As I said, I feel better now. Apart from the fact I can still barely talk, but apart from that, I'm fine. Yay.

Well, it's that time of year that I hate. No, not exams. Spring. As a person with hayfever, I hate this time of year. Blocked nose, sore throat and eyes watering all the time. Makes me cranky. Very cranky. (Ok, crankier than normal then.) Why can everyone decide at exactly the same time that it's time to cut the grass, but they can't decide who's going to be in charge of the country? This annoys me.

Onto the next topic. The tories are in charge now. Now, all of you, stop kidding yourselves that Mr Clegg has any say on what goes on now. He doesn't. He'll kiss ass to stay depute. So, basically, if you voted Lib Dem. You voted tory. Well done. You've officially screwed Scotland. And Gordon Brown is stepping down from leader of labour. So if you voted elsewhere because you didn't like him... Well, umm, I'll let you figure out what you've done while I go weep in the corner.

Well, happy 26th post everyone. Until David Cameron shuts down the internet to cut costs, I shall keep blogging.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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