Sunday, May 2

Ovens are hot. No really, they are.

Ok, I didn't realise this after work yesterday, but I have a boo-boo. On my arm. And it hurts. A lot. What is this boo-boo? A burn. A perfectly round burn. And it stings. All the time. Not good. How did I get this burn? Well, I guess I must have put it under the boiling water thing by accident, and not realised it till now. Did I mention that it hurts?

Combine this with the fact that recently I regrettably burned a fair ammount of hair off my left arm. Not good. For those of you who didn't know about it, I had one hairy arm and one bald one for a bit. Now they match, so all is well.

Anyway, in a round about way. I'm in pain. *sad face* But I shall live. *happy face*

For anyone who doesn't already know/lives in a hole/doesn't particularly care, I am in a relationship. Yay! Good times.

Did I mention my arm hurts?

Ok, so I know you've all grown rather fond of my rants at nothing in particular. And apparently I've inspired others to make their own blogs. This makes me so proud. *sniff* The only way this could get any better would be to get a mention in a song. That would be awesome. I've also been described as "the blog king" by one lovely person. Why thank you. (Still don't think I'm that good)

Well, I was woken up at 6.30 this morning, due to the fact my foot hurt. I reach over to turn on the light and realise... "You have (6) messages." Ok, I didn't go to bed that early... I think. Oh well, I'll stay up later tonight.

My arm hurts by the way, have I mentioned that before?

Well, I off school tomorrow. Yay! I think I shall rest my hurting arm. Yes. Definately. I shall. Did I say it hurt?

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. I think you should mention the fact that your arm hurts more :(

  2. I found it "funny" because you were hurt :)

  3. does his arm hurt, like? I didn't get that from reading
