Monday, May 31

We are Millwall, Super Millwall.

One more to go then. One more exam. This is my motivational thinking...


You like?

Well then, a lot has happened since last post. I have done three exams (Music, Physics and Geography for anyone that cares) and I think I have failed two of them. Music went badly and Physics just tore my soul from my writhing corpse and used it to wipe it's bottom. (Yes, it really was that bad.) Geography went well. Too well in fact. It's trying to lull me into a false sense of security, but it's not going to work you hear me!

On a more important note, I went to London at the weekend instead of revising Geography. Nice. Went to the football at wembley. And, it was wet. Very wet. It didn't stop raining till I got into shelter. Yeah, thats typical. Oh well. Well, Millwall won. Thank god. I don't know what I'd have done if they'd lost again. Honestly. I might have turned into godzila or something.
Funny things at football...

Brother being bought a pint inside the ground and stood around for ten minutes not knowing what to do with it.
All the Millwall fans smoking in the toilets, with the police waiting outside, too scared to go in.
The effect of the smoke from the toilets... A plume of smoke, leading out the exit and entrance.
Two Millwall fans smoking a joint. In the ground. In plain sight.
A Millwall fan bringing a pint back to his seat, looks round suspiciously, then puts it down at his feet.
Millwall fan pitch invasions. Run onto park, raise arms, get rugby tackled by slightly chubby steward.
Millwall fan getting back into stands, leaving a steward with his shoe.

Afterwards, we went to a diner. An American Diner. Which sold burgers. And fries. But wouldn't do a meal deal with the two. And was feeding children for free. Ok, so what we need in London is more fat kids. Not a good idea.

Funny things my friends have said lately...

"It's little but thats the way I like it" (A friend about a tent)
"So, will it fit?" (A friend about a screw)
"Is it in yet?" (Same friend about same screw)

My friends are quite funny without realising it sometimes.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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