Wednesday, June 2

My funsize post.

Hi everyone. No more exams for me. Yay! Hopefully, you too have reached the end of your exams and put your feet up for the next 7 days before we have to go to school. Wait. Hold on. I don't need to go back... Oh god. That means Mid July- End August I shall be doing very little. At all. I think I shall sleep. Lots of sleep. Sounds good.

So then, Alex was a happy chappy today. Hayley Williams doing silly things with photos on twitter. Silly girl. However, she has just made Alex happy and for that I thank her. Thank you Hayley for giving Alex the shivers.

Chemistry went so well that I decided to treat myself. I got myself a silk tie. A nice red one. Why silk? Why red? Well, silk is strong but soft and the blood won't show up on the red so much when I hang myself. Yes. Chemistry went well indeed.

*Note to readers*- I do not intend killing myself. Stop partying. Also, do not feel that you should go and kill yourself. You don't. Really. Just don't.

Also today Chris, Alex and myself had to finish my Sound Engineering unit. Yay. Woop. The upside to this was Chris's hardcore playing of Freebird on the keyboard. Me and Alex did not have an accident at the solo. Honest.

Well all, enjoy my funsize post.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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