Tuesday, June 8

For those that weren't there.

I went to the beach yesterday. Yay. Go me. And my friends that came with me. Yay. Go them. Well, it was cold, very cold. And wet. But despite all of this. I swam in the sea... So did Alex. Go you. And Jodie. Go you too. Heather and Cat paddled, but that is slightly respectable. Not nearly as respectable as the three of us though. Cause we are awesome. Ain't that right Alex and Jodie? Afterward's I did taste of salt. Hmm, does that go on my daily allowance?

Anyway, my party/beach thing went well. Thanks for asking. Wasn't sure if it was actually going to happen but, eventually, it did. Because once my swimming shorts are on, I must swim before I can take them off. Seriously.
Also, I did kinda promise people a "Beach Party." Well, I say party, it was more of a "mess about at the beach" thing. Hope all you guys had as much fun as I did when I was getting wet...

Also, camping in my garden may ave been a bad idea... I'm not saying it was a bad idea. I'm just admitting there was probably better options. Especially when Erin can't put up a tent... And don't get me started on bringing them back down in the rain...

Well, many things that happened that were amusing to some...
"Stop playing with my giraffe..."
"Do you want a ginger nut?"
The cactus incident.

Hmm, I should do things like that more often. But not for a while. I need to recover first.

One thing annoyed me though. The beach. We went to the beach I mentioned last post. The one I cleaned on Saturday. And it had litter on it. Hmm, now where's my shotgun... Let's go guard the beach from these ne'er do wells.

Sorry to anyone who couldn't make it. Maybe next time. If you weren't invited, you should be nice to me, very nice. Chocolate always helps.

As an afterthought, I now have a formspring thing as well as this. Click here. And ask what you want. It could be about the blog. It could be about me. It doesn't matter. I'll answer as soon as I see it.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.