Friday, June 4

An advertisement/ a normal post.

I must say that my colleagues lack of blogging has upset me lately. Where are my partners in crime? Chris? Olga? Tamara? ANYONE!?! Come on, I can't keep this up myself. I steal half my ideas from you lot.

Anyway, Dene has asked me to advertise his brand of motivational pictures, so I'll include three below. If you like, let me know and I'll post more. Ok?

Well, I think they're funny anyway.
Moving on. Facebook has taken over my life. Case closed. The only reason I know it's anyones birthday, is when it says "------- birthday (today)" Is this sad? Yes. Does it bother me? Not in the slightest. Should it? Yes. Definately.
Recently I was reminded of a document called "The Guy Code." Basically, it's a series of 69 rules telling every guy what they can/can't do. If they break a rule, they get called princess for the rest of the day. With the shocking rapidity at which I break some of these rules, maybe I should rename my blog to "Princess' adventures in life." Or not. Only time will tell.
You know what I hate. My phone. I send a text, lock the phone and wait for a reply. After 5 minutes I think "Hang on, something's not right", unlock my phone and find "2 pages. Send now?" No, I don't want you to send it. I want you to keep that message between you and me phone... OF COURSE I WANT THE BLOODY THING TO SEND! GO! SEND NOW! It's good to get that off my chest.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. i apologize for the lack of blogging on my part, ive been busy being lame and lonely... i shall write something as soon as i find something positive in my life to write about haha

  2. also, nice pictures. seen them all before though :P

  3. I'll tell dene that. It's more the captions that make them funny. =P

  4. yeh haha theres one on ur facebook with patrick, not sparta, that made me laugh haha

  5. Oh yeah. That one is awesome. I want that on a t-shirt. :)
