Thursday, June 10

Get a job Andrew.

Right then, mum thinks i should get a job. Dad thinks I should get a job. I think I should get a job. However, I also know what I am doing between now and uni. I have a camp this weekend. A birthday thing the week after. The week after that I have to prepare myself to go to Nottingham for my geek UK finals thing. Three hours after that, I'm away to France and mainland Europe for 15 days. This leaves me 7 weeks till University. I really cannot see anyone hiring me for 7 weeks. I cannot see myself coming back to town for a job that will pay me a little bit more than my train fare home and back. From this, I conclude that for me, the best option is to wait till I go to Edinburgh and try and get a job there. I wouldn't have to commute. I would be able to work for much longer than 7 weeks. Either that, or no job at all. Well, no, thats not an option. Job when I go to uni it is then.
However, I'm pretty sure I'll be "encouraged" to go to the job centre soon. And I'll be expected to come out with a high paying job, with good hours and good overtime. That's what my parents will expect of me. Hmm, I doubt I'll get any of that in these times. Just getting a job would be a stretch. Oh well. I shall remain bored until something interesting happens here... Oh look, a pigeon...

Ever since school has finished, I have been pretty bored. There was the odd occasion that things were livened up, my beach thing for one, but for the most part, I've been wasting my time. I don't like to waste my time because, by extension, thats me wasting my life. I can't get a job (as explained earlier), a vast majority of my friends are still at school, the other friends I know seem to be on msn at different times to me, or fail to text back. I really do not want to be reduced to only this, playing guitar, playing PS3, eating, facebook and formspring. Really, I don't.

Well, back to moping it is. Hope you had a good day today at school or if you were as bored as I am, I feel your pain.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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