Saturday, June 5

Saving the world, one can at a time.

Right then, I've left school. I'm free to do what I want. So why in gods name am I bored. I could do anything. I could run round the house naked. I could hug random people on the street. I can fly...
Ok, maybe not anything then. But almost anything. I might go outside later. You know, see my friend Mr Sun. I don't see him very often. Maybe I shall catch up with him later when he's not as damn chirpy.
Well, as I sit here wallowing in self pity, I have decided to do lots of stuff when shorty here goes back to school. I'll go to the cinema, the amusement parks, the shops... Or I'll sit inside and play on the PS3. I haven't decided yet. We shall have to see how this goes.

I see that some of my colleagues have got the finger out and blogged again. Good. Don't make me crack the whip like that again. Or else.

Today, I did my part to save the planet. I helped clean a beach. Yay! Go me. I feel like a hero. Well, I did pick up about 20 cans of tennants (two still full), 2 pairs of boxers, a thong, 3 shoes and a huge bottle of wine. Nice. My question would be, "HOW DRUNK DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO LEAVE YOUR UNDERWEAR AND SHOES BEHIND?" I mean, come on. I will accept some people like to drink, but how can you leave important things like that? Some of you lot my age are just so stupid sometimes.

Well, I guess thats the lid on another post. I do only do these when I can't think of anything else to do. So expect more irregular posts. Also, if I'm bored like I have been lately, my posts will get smaller. So sorry about that.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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