Thursday, June 3

It's catch up time.

As you can see, I have decided to start playing with the format of this thing. Check out the two pictures (theres one at the bottom people) because they make me laugh. Share the joy people. Lets see if everyone else likes them as much as I do. Anyway, I'll change the format every week or two, keep you on your toes.

So, how is everyone? I haven't seen many of you for a long time now. This saddens me. We should all dance and hold hands and skip and have fun together. I mean this. When does everyone want to do this? Seriously. If I haven't seen you recently, get in touch. Now. Do it.

My dad is currently watching Dance music videos. Oh god. This happens occasionally, it's how he stays hip. Who is it now? Ke$ha? Is that how you type it? Is that $ indicate how much it costs to hire you for a stag night... Anyway, I'm listening to "Thats your horoscope for today." The word EPIC comes to mind. Best line- "Your friends all talk about you behind your back... Kill them."

And now the brother has the remote... This means Metal. Oh god. When will it stop...

Hmm, I'm bored... Lets stop this on a high...

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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