Thursday, June 17

Once more into the breach...

Hello all. Sorry about the wait. Silly broadband hub thingy. Well, all is fixed now. S'all good. At least I hope it is.

Now, I was doing a hike at the weekend. And it hurt my tootsies a lot. Not good. After this 6 and a half mile hike carrying exactly 12.4 kg on my back, I went to sleep. In the morning though, standing. Lots of standing. Standing directing people where to park for a "vintage agricultural machinery societys annual show." No jokes. I spent the weekend at an old tractor rally. Possibly the most entertaining thing I have done in my life so far... Or not. I actually wanted to kill myself within 3 hours. That's actually quite impressive considering that the others wanted to do that within just one.
Also at this, I discovered that I am useless at archery... Oh well, another useless skill I'll never need that I'm crap at. Wooop!

It's almost time. For many important things. Achievement ceremony... Prom... 3rd attempt at driving test... Europe... It's all happening so fast. However, the closest thing to now is Jodies Birthday Bash. I can see this being very entertaining for all involved. *Face palm* You see, I made a promise, quite rashly, that if I could not find a decent Robin Hood costume (The things robin hood themed you see...) for less than £10, I would give in to demand and go as Maid Marion. Yeah... Guess who didn't find a Robin Hood costume for under a tenner. This guy. So, from what I've been told, I'll be wearing a dress (purple) with one of those cone hat things. And a bra. This will go badly for all involved. Mark my words. But, I promised, so I shall grit my teeth and put on the dress. Fantastic. My sense of honour has dropped me in the shitter once again... Oh well, hopefully I can bash my head against a tree enough to make me forget the weekend. I like that plan.

Next thing, Achievements ceremony. Well, I got a letter saying that they'd like to reward me for all the things I did as depute head boy. Personally, I don't see how they can reward my total lack of botheredness in all ways last year. But they want to, so let them eat cake. Even more of a surprise, someone has nominated me for a reward for "effort and progress." Hmm, there's only one thing to do about that... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha. I'm still trying to figure out how I pulled that off.

Next on the list. Prom. The event where the school actively encourages 6th year to get out their faces. Sounds fun. I will drink my champagne. I think that'll be it. Kilt just needs to be picked up. No problems there... (famous last words)

Driving. The bane of my life. For the love of god. I either get the bitch that wanted to fail me the second she looked at me. Or the hot one. God's sake. I panicked. But thats in the past. I will pass this time. Or else. I'm looking at you... Yeah, you. At the laptop...

Finally, Europe. Well, for those that don't know, I'm going to be going round Europe (Mainland) with friends/explorers/brother. (Delete as appropriate.) In this, we have to undergo missions. One of which is to get a haircut in a foreign country. Right, now is the time for someone to tell me how to say "Just a little off" in some other language. Thanks. Another one is to hug a native from each country we visit. Yeah, so "Do you want a hug?" in French is "Voulais vous cous chez avec moi ces cois?" isn't it. Thought so.

Well, wish me luck. Once more into the breach my friends...
Word of advice people, don't promise something that you don't have the balls to do.

I am willing to put photos of my weekend up. However, in return, I want money. Or failing that comments. If I get £20 or 6 comments from 6 people, I will put them up. Thats the deal. No negotiation.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. This is my official comment, i am contributing to these pictures being posted dammit!

  2. thisa is my comemnt and im drujk

  3. my comment is (yes im behind in my blog reading) it is actually unto the breach...
    "Once more unto the breach, my friends"
    not into
