Monday, May 24

Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?

Hi all. It's been a while hasn't it?

Sorry. Stupid internet has been down bringing me back to a level of technology about the same as the dark ages... I do remember that I promised a pigeon post version of the blog if that were to happen again. Well, pigeons have a very annoying union people. And they want more seed than I can afford. I know what I'll do. I'll fly it out by British Airways... *shakes head sadly*

Well, on my return to bookface, I looked at my notifications. Oh. My. God. Lets just say I hit 3 figure numbers. Thats taken a while to make sure no-ones been insulting me. And no-one has. Thank you.

Anyway, this internet celibacy has reminded me of a far away time, when all I had to do in the house was read. Yeah, books people. They do still exist. Not these silly netbooks (get a proper laptop...) but paper and ink. Well, I was reminded that I like to read. I can actually cope with less technology, which is incredibly surprising. Look around right now. How much things are plugged in or battery powered? If it's more than 10, unplug 10 things that you don't need. If it's less, unplug half. Was that easy or hard? Could you cope without some of your stuff?

On to the next topic... WHY IS IT SO BLOODY HOT? Ok, for me, the seasons are autumn (september-november), winter (december-february), spring(march-may), summer (june-august). So, in my mind, it's still spring. So can somebody explain why the temperature is hitting 21 degrees celsius? I'm scottish. Therefore I like sun, but hate heat. I'm pretty sure that there have been many people sweating like fat kids in cake shops lately, and thats not a nice image.

I was in a tent on saturday night. By myself. In my back garden. Was very fun. Yeah, fun. I did not come into the house at half five and fall asleep on a sofa...

Hopefully, this makes up for my time away.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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