Tuesday, May 4

May the Fourth be with you...

Ok, it's star wars day today. The day when geeks like me are allowed to come out of hiding. Well, I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and made lots of darth vader sounds and had a star wars yo mama fight... "Yo mama so fat, Ben Kenobi said 'thats no moon, thats yo mama..." Thank you Robot Chicken...

Now people... As much as I love you all, if you all keep asking me stupid questions. I'm going to give stupid answers. Stop asking me questions which you know perfectly fine I don't want to answer. Stop stalking me and my friends on facebook... (Alex) We clear. Cool.

Had one of our famous "Senior Prefect Team" meetings today. Went well... Lots of funny things said... "So what do you know of the girls Andrew?" Oh Mr Sloan, you so silly... Also, Mr Sloan seems to be under the impression that I'm a ladies man. I don't think I am. So let me know who's right. Me or him. Cheers.

I have to do my papers tonight. Theres something you didn't know about me. I'm a paper boy. So, we have so far Pieman, Ladies Man & Paper boy. Anything else anyone wants to add?

Now, has anyone ever wondered why I made the URL notsuchafail? No one? Good. Cause I don't either. I guess it's cause I was a bit fed up of everything at the moment of the conceivement of this blog. I was fed up of everything going wrong. Oh well, things are a bit better now. Well, all I need is to pass my driving test. Then, all will be good.

Can I just take this moment to say I hate the internet. Well, not all of it. Just the fact that it keeps signing me and my friends off msn during conversations... This makes me mad. See you Bill Gates... Gonna get it.

Well, I off to have pizza now.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

1 comment:

  1. is MSN what the dinosaurs used to use when arranging lunch?
