The blog of Ondeh/Andrew. A student/pieman/constant disappointment. Sometimes I write stuff worth reading.
Thursday, April 29
Failure is always an option...
Well, I'm gonna try and not let me down. But it will anyway. I'm sorry but the cheery, optimistic Andrew you had in the last post is dead. He's gone. He might come back, but it's not going to be any time soon. Sorry guys.
Sorry to Mr David Nicholson. You obviously are a bit touchy when someone tries to have a little joke. Please do not throw cous-cous at me again. Thanks.
To be honest... I really can't be bothered with this right now. I'm sorry about wating your time with this pitiful excuse of a blog. You want to know how I feel right now or what I'm thinking then just message me on facebook. Actually, if you're reading this, I want people to give me three reasons to keep on blogging and a topic for a post. Cause all I'm gonna do till I pass is rant about my driving test. And I don't want to put you all through that.
Sorry again.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Tuesday, April 27
Zafiras are bigger than minis.
Anyway, moving on.
I asked you all to tell me what you'd like to see in this blog. Well, with all 4 peoples input, I've piled all this together. Enjoy.
Well, I think that's enough for now. If anybody ever has any suggestions I'll be happy to listen to them.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Sunday, April 25
I am still here by the way.
Ok guys, I know my posts are getting more and more irregular. I'm sorry. I try my best. There is one main reason for this.
This isn't fun. Normally, in the course of a day, I wonder round, see things which amuse me and I write about them. (Yes, my blogs really are that simple) The main reason I can't find anything is mainly due to the fact I've turned off the news. There's only been two things on it lately anyway. Politics and the whacking great ash cloud which has annoyed so many people.
Right, I'm not doing a politics blog. Never. No way.
So that leaves by process of elimination....
Notice how it's called "THE volcano?" This is due to the fact that no-one can say the name of the thing. I could type it here... by bashing my head of the keyboard a few times. But I don't want a sore head. So I shan't.
Why has it taken the world so long to realise that the ash cloud was not going to move much? Why did people not do what the miracle of flying is to me? You know, go over it? Or even better... Under it? Is this really too much for the brains of air traffic control? Whats that? You can only fly up to a certain height? Grrr... who came up with that stupid limitation then?
Facebook... I hate you. Not as much as bebo, but I still detest you with a passion. Actually, lets class it as loathing. That sounds better. Say it everyone, "I loathe you Facebook." Why do I loathe it? BECAUSE OF THE STUPID STUFF IT HAS!!! Farmville, Hotel Mania, Mafia Wars, Farkle, Treasure Isle, all of the bloody horoscopes and "Lover of the Day."
What. The. Absolute. Hell.
Why? Why do you annoy me so with your invitations? Why, despite the fact that I have clicked "block requests from this app," am I still getting invitations? Why are you asking me to fertilise your flowers? I ain't fertilising anyones flowers till at least the third date. What kind of guy do you take me for? Etc. Etc.
Why am I someones "Lover of the day"? I don't want to be that particular persons lover. Stupid, pointless (cr)app.
It annoys me slightly. Just slightly. I haven't got a twitch yet, but I expect that to come soon.
Onto a happy, no rant bit.
What else need be said really? Well done guys. I am almost tempted to admit the existance of a certain instrument. Almost.
So, onto more pressing matters. What do you want me to write about? Leave a comment or talk to me at school and I shall do my best to meet the needs and wants of the people. I will blog about pretty much anything. Stuff I will not write about include: Insulting individuals, Individual people and my opinions on them and Conner. (I'm not doing that for a little while yet. Besides, he hasn't annoyed me lately.)
Remember, you do have to mention it to me (or comment) I'm not a mind reader. (sad times)
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Monday, April 19
An "adorable" post.
Those people all over the world stuck in airports because a big volcanos having a bad week. For those of you in London, walk. Or even better, cycle. If those fat comedians could go from lands end to john 'o' groats, why can't you get off your behinds and pedal? For those of you abroad, swim. No there are no sharks in the water. Of course not. They call it "Death bay" cause it fitted in with the surrounding countryside...
Ok, now onto a new question. Why do girls insist on me being "adorable" or "cute?" If you think so why don't you ask me out? Oh, I'm not "adorable" that way... Or even better, I'm seeing someone at the moment... Hmm, WELL WHY THE HELL DID YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to the person who is trying to help me, this is a general thing I seem to get a lot. Surprisingly.
Texting. Right people. I have unlimmited texts. And since my last girlfriend, people don't text me for some reason. C'mon. Text me and I'll text back. Thats a promise. Scouts Honour.
Facebook. Don't you dare start charging us for your services. If you do. I will be forced to go onto twitter or myspace or something. And I don't want to do that. Honestly. If bebo's dying, Facebook is charging and the other ones are useless, where shall I go? We'll deal with that closer to the time shall we?
Another thing about Faceboogle, what the hell is with those click to become a fan things. I do NOT want to be a fan until I know that what I'm getting is worth it. I'm pretty sure most people feel the same. I'm not a fan until I can truly say "I liked that." It's how I show my appreciation. Point 2. What the hell is with the largest facebook group ever thing? If you want to break a world record make it for something meaningful. Like baking the worlds biggest ever penis shaped cake. Or getting as many piercings on your nipples as possible. Not clicking on become a fan of a world record attempt group. Thats like joining an alcoholics anonymous. Then wearing a massive sign on your back saying "ALCHY!!!!" Come on people, Facebook is sad enough as it is. If you want to get a world record breaking Facebook group then you go for it. BUT DO NOT CALL IT "WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT GROUP" or something as equally unimaginative. Do it for a group which is truly worth it. Like "Jesus on a bit of toast" or something like that. Point the third. Horoscopes. I really don't care about the alignment of Uranus and it's influence on me/my friends/pets/possessions/etc. I really do not care if you will meet the love of your life today. Actually, I do. I'll find them first and bring them to you. Then will you stop with the horoscopes? It's not even the people I expect it from. Even people I consider sensible have the application. WHY???? Go find it, block it, and then delete your hard drive. Go and do it now.
I seem to be ranting. I'm sorry. Is this more up-hill for you Conner? Or are you too busy on your blackberry again? It's quite sad when everytime I look up on the bus, you're on bebo. Oh whats that, you'll batter me tomorrow. No you won't Buttercup. You'll hit me a few times, then realise you were looking at something interesting on bebo (lets say Justin Biebers fan club) and go back to the blackberry. Hope this has livened up my post for you. Hope your friends will mock you just a little bit tomorrow. In fact. I'm encouraging them. Go for it guys. You do that and I'll make this a regular edition. "Mock Conner Corner." Hows that sound?
Well, I have 4 investigations to do. Not good. I shall perservere though. Welcome to my new reader Molly. Hope you enjoyed yourself.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Saturday, April 17
Back to Home. My return to blogging.
Has everyone had a good holiday then? I did. Woo! (Has anyone revised as much as they should of? I havent... Not so woo.)
Ok all, brace yourselves, we're back to school soon. Now amidst all the whooping and cheering I'm sure you are giving out right now I'm gonna make it even better... Exams are coming. For some reason when I think of exams a stream of naughty words come to the forefront of my mind, which is fun. I hardly know most of the words I'm thinking of. Not good.
Now onto what has been keeping me from revising in these wonderful two weeks. A combination of illness, boredom and distractions have kept me away from doing what I should be doing. See, my dad caught a beast of a cold early last week and just to be nice, has decided to pass it on to me. Waking up at 2 in the morning trying to find paracetemol is not fun people. Not fun at all.
So, why was I away for 7 days. Centreparks and a party. Yay. Centreparks was quite good actually. Here are some of the highlights of my 5 day outing...
1- Discovering that the lodge stank of cleaning fluids... while not being very clean. This confused me. If there was enough fumes to knock out a horse, why wasn't the place clean?
2- Got bike. For those of you who don't know this... I do not like bikes. At all. In fact, I fell off 3 times when I was away. Also, saddle sores hurt. And still do.
3- "Tree Treking" This involves following an obstacle course suspended in the trees. Was quite good. May have been a bit harsh to shake every obstacle once I got over it so it was harder for Dene. Still funny though. Also, on the course, I discovered that 5 year olds don't like heights. What idiot of a parent put their 5 year old daughter on it by themselves? Stupid people.
4- "Laser combat" Extremely fun. Won 4 of 4 team games and came 4th in free for all. May have been a bit harsh tripping Dene up, but he lived. The other team seemed to have "an invincible midget." Basically, a 10 year old short persons helmet wasn't working. So he could shoot us, but we couldn't shoot him. Ok, I may have clotheslined him, but no one else saw, he thought it was an accident and I fixed the helmet. (I think it just needed a good bash.) May have pistol whipped another midget. I don't know if it hit him or not...
5- Went to driving range. I suck epically at golf. Not a good combination. Still better than family though.
6- Went shopping. Absolutely everything was overpriced. £3 for a milkshake...
7- There was this cafe/restraunt thing that looked nice. Went in. Discovered it was basically a McDonalds. Had burger. Was not good. Lets just say it would have been healthier injecting a pint of fat directly into my bloodstream. And that probably would have tasted better.
8- Bowling. I kicked bottom. The machine didn't like me though so in the end I came second. Yay. Go me.
9- Climbing wall. Did this at the same time as some scouser midgets. As much as it was funny listening to them talking about stuff they didn't understand (Football, Girls etc) the accents got on my nerves. Especially when they asked me, "Wheres that accent from? You welsh?" Enough said really...
10- "Bushcraft"- Tried to light a fire using flint and steel. Hurt hands. Was cold. *Sad face*
11- Pool. Got worse after every game somehow. May have chipped white onto another table.
There we go. My Centreparks adventure. Wooooooooo.
Then I got home. Then I went out again for a party. This was fun. May have been told things I shouldn't have been told, and definately said things I shouldn't of. I do not have any photos to blackmail someone with... *shifty eyes* I enjoyed myself. Paid for it yesterday though.
Just to remind you all about the tags at the bottom. I like to know what people think of this stuff.
Anyway, as my head is kinda fuzzy with a mixture of tiredness, soreness and drugs. I think I shall stop now.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Sunday, April 11
A Small Post To Keep You Going...
Well, I'm officially bored. I have been since 1 today. Everyone went out to the football, leaving me alone in the house. Normally a good thing but today I was at a loose end all day. Couldn't focus on anything. So in the end I wandered around the house. Funsies. Next time this happens, I'm raiding the drink cupboard, for some fresh O.J. Yeah, O.J would cheer me up. But theres none in the house... this makes me sad. Oh well, just 2 hours till someone gets home.
So, reached the half way point of the holidays, and I have acheived, well, nothing. At all. I got my haircut, but thats not really an acheivement. For some people it might be, but not me.
Football, huh. Seems to me that everything British this season has gone, umm, "tits-up." Pardon my french. Entertaining stuff. Not really. I wish I lived in a country where entertaining football was normal for every team.
Well, I still bored. Is there not anything fun I could have done today? Obviously not. Cause I'm sitting here doing nothing.
Well, anyway, general elections. Yeah, I can tell that most of you are filled with joy as you read that topic. Basically, from what I see, it's a lose-lose situation. You vote for anyone, you get a liar to represent you. You don't vote, you get a liar to represent you. Good thing I can't vote. I think I'd comment on all the candidates on the voting sheet.
Anyway, I shall see you all next week. Goodbye. Don't get too drunk in my absence.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Thursday, April 8
"Shock Shock"
Biffy Clyro. Well, I love 'em. (and thats not because the drummers a Kilmarnock fan) But this has got to be one of my favourite chorus lines ever.
"Well you talk and you talk like you're trying to shock me, I don't even know what the f*** we're still arguing about."
For some reason, I can relate to that. Probably a lot of you can. Every day someone tries to wind you up for a reason nobody knows anymore. I fell out with someone in 4th year and I still don't get on with them. I just get little snipes taken at me. Admittedly, I say my fair share of stuff back, but I can't even remember what made me hate him/her. Oh well, only a few weeks then I can leave it all behind.
For some reason, a rumour has come back again, despite my mention of it in my first post...
For another unknown reason, my relationships always seem to be topics of hot discussion. No idea why. It just does. Well, I'm gonna clear things up a little. Here is my rumour busting list...
1. I did not do anything on a bus to or from London. (This is exclusively for some people at school)
3. I did not get a ginger girl out of school pregnant. (Also for guys at school)
4. I did not get any of my recent girlfriends pregnant.
5. I did not pull at "Jesus Camp." I pulled from "Jesus Camp." Thats a big difference.
6. I have had 9 "girlfriends." If we change that to "girlfriends I actually did anything with", that number falls to 2.
7. "Anything" does not mean sex. Case closed.
8. I have never went out with a girl called Catriona despite what some people believe.
9. I was not going out with Naomi when her nose was broke by Lauren. Lauren thought I was going out with her and then decided to mash up Naomi's face. Sorry Naomi.
There we go. If theres anything else you want cleared up, go ahead and ask next time you see me. I might tell you. If I think I can trust you.
Well, I had another driving lesson today. And my tests at the end of the month...
I can pass.... If I do my best... And if I calm down. Hopefully I pass first time. I can't afford many more lessons...
I'm away for a chunk of next week so there may not be any blogs next week. Sorry guys. I know how many of you depend on this to get you through the day. I will write a massive one after I get back just for you.
Chin up.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Monday, April 5
Easter Blues. And a small music rant.
Just as a note. I'm allergic to cats. I don't like cats. So you don't really have to mind the cat.
It's the day after the night before. Or the night after the day before? Or is it the night after the night before? I should stop before my brain explodes and makes a mess of my nice clean laptop. That would be bad. Well, anyway. I digress. It's the day after Easter. And I think I've put on like three hippopotamus'ss's'ss's of weight. Too much chocolate. Too much sweets. And too much cheap fattening meat. Will I ever learn? (We all know the answer to that one.)
Chris is back on the blogging scene. Yay! Lets give Chris a big hand. Wooo. (It's about time Chris. Any longer and, well, it wouldn't be pretty. Capiche?) If you haven't looked at his blog yet. Go have a look. It's better than this festering pit of self depression and pity.
I have a new MP4. This means re-burning my music collection of albums. This equals roughly 52 albums at an average of 11 songs each. If my maths are right (and I used a calculator) that means 572 songs(ish) I know that I should possibly stop buying CD's and join in the downloading miracle. Well, I'm old fashioned. I like my CD collection. It has bits of me kept in it. We've got Nizlopi's JCB Song from when I was happy. And U2's greatest hits when I was finding my feet in music. Oasis, The Enemy, Maximo Park, Lostprophets, Green Day, The Wombats, Coldplay, The Automatic, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Many Muse albums, the mighty Biffy Clyro and the list goes on. (Coldplay was from a rough patch btw.) All of this I can see and touch. I could not do that if I downloaded it from "U-tunes" or "Pinewire" or whatever you young bloods call these things. Admittedly, it would save me a lot of time... I've been at this for 2 hours and I'm not even quarter through. It's gonna be a long night guys...
"The force is predicting a digression Master Obi-Wan"
"Just go with it Young Anakin"
"But... Master. What about the readers?"
"I HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!! GO!!!!!!"
*Anakin kills small planet occupied only by fluffy bunnies and cute turtles...*
Back in the serious world for a second, I had geography work to do. Namely going to Kinghorn to see what the storm had done to the coast. Well, I went hoping for destruction and bits of caravan everywhere. What I got was cold, wet wind from the sea and lots of waves. No mangled bits of caravan. The closest I got to mayhem was a broken kettle. Not exactly ground breaking stuff. Hopefully what I got will get my teacher off my back for a little bit. Maybe. Hopefully. Purleease?
Unlike Olga's chocolate rabbit. Mine has survived to today. Yay. Go me. My self control is awesome. It will not survive the week though. I want the bell. And I'm not taking it off till I eat the thing.
Back to topic now...
So, Justin Bieber huh. He's like marmite. Love him or hate him. Well, I hate him. Why? Well, singing "oooh baby, baby, baby" doesn't really seem talented to me. Also, the fact they've got a pre-pubescent baby singing about love is a bit wierd. Really it is. Trust me. Also, certain girls walking round with "I *heart* Justin Bieber" hoodies scares me. Not because they're wearing hoodies (that scares me enough as it is) but the fact that we have 12-19 year old girls wanting to have this guys babies. Well, note to all... it would be illegal. Sorry to break your hearts. That means you too buttercup. (You know who you are)
Just to make sure you don't think I'm a metal head. I do not like Korn, Him, Slipknot and most songs with screaming in them. Ok?
Well, I think it's time to have a break from the laptop music orgy. I think i should go now before my sanity unravels (more than before) and I go on a killing spree.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Sunday, April 4
Easter. Or "Get to know meat again" day.
This is what I had to drink...

And this was desert...

I am extremely sorry to my vegetarian friends... We had a great time together, but as a carnivore, I need meat. I won't annoy you (about not eating meat) anymore. To all my carnivorous friends... I'M BACK!!!!!!
Anyway, Easter. That means church. That means children. That means screaming children.That means lots of screaming children... I think there should be a minimum age for church. On a lighter note, THERE WAS A DOG IN CHURCH TODAY!!!!!!! It was epic. I think the dog should come to church more often, get baptised, maybe even ordained. That puts a new meaning on the "Dog collar" priests wear.
Holidays are still boring. This isn't helped by the fact I've forgotten what stuff I was meant to do for physics. And chemistry. And geography. Not good. Anyone who knows what I should be doing, please get in touch. Thanks.
I think I shall now go and save an entire alien race from destruction using a tea spoon, a packet of salt and vinegar mccoys, a small tame monkey and a giant cream egg.
Oh yeah, see the little boxes below the post saying "Funny" "Interesting" and "Bad" Feel free to tick one of these boxes if you want. Customer feedback means that I can continue to provide a quality service. Thank you for taking the time to do this survey.
Not a long post today. Don't want to keep you from chocolate for too long.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.
Friday, April 2
The last holiday...
Anyone going anywhere? I am. Centreparks. The laser thingy should be fun... to pistol whip or not to pistol whip my brother, that is the question. Though I'm not looking forward to displaying my "sexy, toned abs" to the world in the swimming pool. "We're going to the pool every day Andrew. So you'll be going in, won't you." Spoken answer- "Yes, of course I will." Should have said- "No. I do not wish to embarass myself with my ugly, fat stomach, and I don't want to show everyone up by beating Michael Phelps times in swimming shorts and after giving him a headstart."
Well, I won't see many of you during the holidays (I'm having a self imposed quarantine because I want to relax.) Those of you that I do see. Feel honoured. And happy. And you'd better laugh at my jokes...
You may have noticed the significant gap between dates for this post and the last. Not my fault. Stupid system screwed up and this is the first chance I've had. Sorry guys. If it happens again I'll start a newsletter that is delivered to every person that wants it by pigeon post. It shall be weekly and include all the hot topics like: What I'm having for tea; What I think of the world and a personalised card saying "Thank you for caring...stalker" or if I'm feeling quirky... "I'm watching you..."
Right now I am trying to master my guitar... again. It's not going well. At all. (Stupid G-string. Does anyone else have a problem with theirs?) At least I can now play "Underdog" to a standard where it is recognisable. Which is good. Now onto the big guns... Dragonforce anyone?
April fools has been and gone. And I wasn't caught out. For once. In fact, I caught out some stupid first years... "Hey, mister. You dropped something!" "Hey short-stuff. You're shoes undone... Sucker." I also liked some of the online pranks- Googles animal translator, a multicoloured spraypaint and a buy a unicorn thing. All funny. Hilarious. Can you not tell I'm laughing? Ha. There. That was genuine laughter straight from the funny farm. Enjoy. Treasure it. I know I will.
YEARBOOK!!!!!!!!! Well, it's done now. So if you want it from me Eva, you'll have to give me your e-mail address again. I fixed mine. Thanks for the comments all. They're all beautiful. I also meant every word I wrote on everyone elses. (Look out for a certain page where I have a comment war. You may laugh at that.)
Guess what guys... It's Easter! (well, close enough) This means.... MEAT!!!!!!!! Yay. I shall take photos of all my meals on sunday, and post them online. I'm sure you'll be thrilled. And excited. Don't hold your breaths... (I'm talking to you Chris.)
Well, enough of this Good Friday edition of my adventures.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.