Friday, April 2

The last holiday...

For some reason, it's just clicked that this is my last holiday of high school. Should I be happy or sad about that? Actually it's not even like a holiday, ammount of "homework and revision" I'm "supposed" to do. Well, newsflash school... I can't be bothered. Much more interesting things to do in the two week break... like, add to my collection of World War I bootlaces, and polish up my latin. You know, important life skills needed by an every day person.
Anyone going anywhere? I am. Centreparks. The laser thingy should be fun... to pistol whip or not to pistol whip my brother, that is the question. Though I'm not looking forward to displaying my "sexy, toned abs" to the world in the swimming pool. "We're going to the pool every day Andrew. So you'll be going in, won't you." Spoken answer- "Yes, of course I will." Should have said- "No. I do not wish to embarass myself with my ugly, fat stomach, and I don't want to show everyone up by beating Michael Phelps times in swimming shorts and after giving him a headstart."

Well, I won't see many of you during the holidays (I'm having a self imposed quarantine because I want to relax.) Those of you that I do see. Feel honoured. And happy. And you'd better laugh at my jokes...

You may have noticed the significant gap between dates for this post and the last. Not my fault. Stupid system screwed up and this is the first chance I've had. Sorry guys. If it happens again I'll start a newsletter that is delivered to every person that wants it by pigeon post. It shall be weekly and include all the hot topics like: What I'm having for tea; What I think of the world and a personalised card saying "Thank you for caring...stalker" or if I'm feeling quirky... "I'm watching you..."

Right now I am trying to master my guitar... again. It's not going well. At all. (Stupid G-string. Does anyone else have a problem with theirs?) At least I can now play "Underdog" to a standard where it is recognisable. Which is good. Now onto the big guns... Dragonforce anyone?

April fools has been and gone. And I wasn't caught out. For once. In fact, I caught out some stupid first years... "Hey, mister. You dropped something!" "Hey short-stuff. You're shoes undone... Sucker." I also liked some of the online pranks- Googles animal translator, a multicoloured spraypaint and a buy a unicorn thing. All funny. Hilarious. Can you not tell I'm laughing? Ha. There. That was genuine laughter straight from the funny farm. Enjoy. Treasure it. I know I will.

YEARBOOK!!!!!!!!! Well, it's done now. So if you want it from me Eva, you'll have to give me your e-mail address again. I fixed mine. Thanks for the comments all. They're all beautiful. I also meant every word I wrote on everyone elses. (Look out for a certain page where I have a comment war. You may laugh at that.)

Guess what guys... It's Easter! (well, close enough) This means.... MEAT!!!!!!!! Yay. I shall take photos of all my meals on sunday, and post them online. I'm sure you'll be thrilled. And excited. Don't hold your breaths... (I'm talking to you Chris.)

Well, enough of this Good Friday edition of my adventures.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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