Sunday, April 4

Easter. Or "Get to know meat again" day.

Happy Easter everyone. Who had creme eggs? I bet most of you did. Well, I didn't. I got a meatball right, the biggest meatball ever made, and i moulded it into an egg. Then I cooked it. Then I ate it.

This is what I had to drink...

And this was desert...

I am extremely sorry to my vegetarian friends... We had a great time together, but as a carnivore, I need meat. I won't annoy you (about not eating meat) anymore. To all my carnivorous friends... I'M BACK!!!!!!

Anyway, Easter. That means church. That means children. That means screaming children.That means lots of screaming children... I think there should be a minimum age for church. On a lighter note, THERE WAS A DOG IN CHURCH TODAY!!!!!!! It was epic. I think the dog should come to church more often, get baptised, maybe even ordained. That puts a new meaning on the "Dog collar" priests wear.

Holidays are still boring. This isn't helped by the fact I've forgotten what stuff I was meant to do for physics. And chemistry. And geography. Not good. Anyone who knows what I should be doing, please get in touch. Thanks.

I think I shall now go and save an entire alien race from destruction using a tea spoon, a packet of salt and vinegar mccoys, a small tame monkey and a giant cream egg.

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Not a long post today. Don't want to keep you from chocolate for too long.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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