Saturday, April 17

Back to Home. My return to blogging.

Hi there guys. Miss me? Well, I back. And as I have a sneaky suspicion that all you "blog-hogs" want me to write something, so here you go.

Has everyone had a good holiday then? I did. Woo! (Has anyone revised as much as they should of? I havent... Not so woo.)

Ok all, brace yourselves, we're back to school soon. Now amidst all the whooping and cheering I'm sure you are giving out right now I'm gonna make it even better... Exams are coming. For some reason when I think of exams a stream of naughty words come to the forefront of my mind, which is fun. I hardly know most of the words I'm thinking of. Not good.

Now onto what has been keeping me from revising in these wonderful two weeks. A combination of illness, boredom and distractions have kept me away from doing what I should be doing. See, my dad caught a beast of a cold early last week and just to be nice, has decided to pass it on to me. Waking up at 2 in the morning trying to find paracetemol is not fun people. Not fun at all.

So, why was I away for 7 days. Centreparks and a party. Yay. Centreparks was quite good actually. Here are some of the highlights of my 5 day outing...
1- Discovering that the lodge stank of cleaning fluids... while not being very clean. This confused me. If there was enough fumes to knock out a horse, why wasn't the place clean?
2- Got bike. For those of you who don't know this... I do not like bikes. At all. In fact, I fell off 3 times when I was away. Also, saddle sores hurt. And still do.
3- "Tree Treking" This involves following an obstacle course suspended in the trees. Was quite good. May have been a bit harsh to shake every obstacle once I got over it so it was harder for Dene. Still funny though. Also, on the course, I discovered that 5 year olds don't like heights. What idiot of a parent put their 5 year old daughter on it by themselves? Stupid people.
4- "Laser combat" Extremely fun. Won 4 of 4 team games and came 4th in free for all. May have been a bit harsh tripping Dene up, but he lived. The other team seemed to have "an invincible midget." Basically, a 10 year old short persons helmet wasn't working. So he could shoot us, but we couldn't shoot him. Ok, I may have clotheslined him, but no one else saw, he thought it was an accident and I fixed the helmet. (I think it just needed a good bash.) May have pistol whipped another midget. I don't know if it hit him or not...
5- Went to driving range. I suck epically at golf. Not a good combination. Still better than family though.
6- Went shopping. Absolutely everything was overpriced. £3 for a milkshake...
7- There was this cafe/restraunt thing that looked nice. Went in. Discovered it was basically a McDonalds. Had burger. Was not good. Lets just say it would have been healthier injecting a pint of fat directly into my bloodstream. And that probably would have tasted better.
8- Bowling. I kicked bottom. The machine didn't like me though so in the end I came second. Yay. Go me.
9- Climbing wall. Did this at the same time as some scouser midgets. As much as it was funny listening to them talking about stuff they didn't understand (Football, Girls etc) the accents got on my nerves. Especially when they asked me, "Wheres that accent from? You welsh?" Enough said really...
10- "Bushcraft"- Tried to light a fire using flint and steel. Hurt hands. Was cold. *Sad face*
11- Pool. Got worse after every game somehow. May have chipped white onto another table.

There we go. My Centreparks adventure. Wooooooooo.

Then I got home. Then I went out again for a party. This was fun. May have been told things I shouldn't have been told, and definately said things I shouldn't of. I do not have any photos to blackmail someone with... *shifty eyes* I enjoyed myself. Paid for it yesterday though.

Just to remind you all about the tags at the bottom. I like to know what people think of this stuff.

Anyway, as my head is kinda fuzzy with a mixture of tiredness, soreness and drugs. I think I shall stop now.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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