Thursday, April 29

Failure is always an option...

Guess what people... I failed. Woopdedoo. Trust me to get the examiner with a vendetta against teenage boys. Bloody typical.
Well, I'm gonna try and not let me down. But it will anyway. I'm sorry but the cheery, optimistic Andrew you had in the last post is dead. He's gone. He might come back, but it's not going to be any time soon. Sorry guys.

Sorry to Mr David Nicholson. You obviously are a bit touchy when someone tries to have a little joke. Please do not throw cous-cous at me again. Thanks.

To be honest... I really can't be bothered with this right now. I'm sorry about wating your time with this pitiful excuse of a blog. You want to know how I feel right now or what I'm thinking then just message me on facebook. Actually, if you're reading this, I want people to give me three reasons to keep on blogging and a topic for a post. Cause all I'm gonna do till I pass is rant about my driving test. And I don't want to put you all through that.
Sorry again.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.


  1. Reason one: Your blogs are usualy funny to read, this one being an exception
    reason two: Ranting online lets off steam and saves you snapping at people
    reason three: and its better than twitter

    and a topic for a new post: MUSE... or chocolate
    gods answer to all problems.

  2. thank you erinean

    anyone else?
