Monday, July 26

Andrews European Adventure - Part the eighth (and ninth)...

8. "An Inidentical twin."
Well, Spain won. Germany lost. Therefore this morning I am wearing a temporary tattoo of a German flag on my left cheek. It's kinda my punishment for cheering when Spain scored. Woops...
Our local guide, hero, translator and general fantastic person, Feli, has helped us ever since we got here. Teaching me (very) basic German, teaching us a violent card game which will forever be known as "Asshole - an Andrew hitting game." Yeah, my reactions were bad. So now my left hand hurts. A lot. Not so fun.
While walking round Ingolstadt, I noticed how boring Kirkcaldy is. Very boring. I actually have fallen in love with this place, and in a wider sense, Bavaria. I want to move here now. Or at least take a fair sized chunk of Ingolstadt back with me. Oh well, I doubt I'll get that through customs. Makes me sad.
Went to a church, which was awesome. Had a moving "frescoe" (?) on the ceiling. And it was 3D. Whoa... Toured the Audi factory, which was also awesome, though it did take a while. Went shopping... Not so awesome but all is well.
Was thinking about swimming, but I think that the sight of my "sexy body" may kill untold numbers of Bavarians. So I'll leave the showing off to the girls. They can show off if they want.
Well, the evening. It was unlike any scout meeting I've ever been to. We had "bier... zer fille bier." We had "Coco Loco" and her general, umm, antics. We had bugs. And we had good times. Which I'm not likely to forget. Ever.
9. "Near Germany"
Today, Munchën. Went on a tour of Munich. Was very interesting... apparently. I was too busy looking at other things nearby. And we'll leave it at that thank you very much.
Nik seems to have an admirer. She a teensy bit, umm, crazy. It's funny to watch because Nik is very scared. Watch your back Nik...
Anyway, we had to say bye to Feli, which was sad. She can't come to the festival tonight with us. *sad face* Silly work...
Well, in the evening, we (minus Feli) went to the festival. I drank one bier with my friends, but I can't remember what I was doing when I was alone. Cause one beer shouldn't have affected me the way it did. Probably the fact that all I've eaten in the last 24 hours is two rolls... Either that or I'm a much bigger lightweight than I thought. And I know thats not it.
I'm beginning to like beer. This Bavarian stuff is good. :)
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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