Sunday, July 18

Andrews European Adventure - Part the fourth...

"A blog from midway..."
Well then, I never thought I'd do this. I'm writing this blog from half way up the Eiffel Tower. Wooo. So, why am I not writing it from the top then? Well, Andrew has a teensy irrational fear. Not of heights. Not of falling. But of hitting the ground after falling from a great height. When it's put that way, it's perfectly rational. Well, it is to me anyway. And thats what matters. Isn't it?
So anyway, Paris. The city of romance. So thats why I'm sitting here with my best friend Daniel (a dude). Yay! Well, we've been abandoned until the rest of the group come back down. So we have about an hour stuck here. Alone. Just me and him... Oh dear. Well, abandoned is such a strong word. If I'm totally honest, circumstances involving a Godzilla attack and a distinct lack of superheroes kept us from the top... Well, Ok then, I woussed out and he couldn't be bothered. Ok?
Other things in Paris....
Well, Sacre Couer was an amazing sight. I've never seen so much gold leaf. Not even at that strip club. You know the one I'm talking about...
Now, I hate "lookie-lookie" people. They try and sell you cheap crap you don't want and they don't need. So when one followed me and wouldn't leave me alone, Nik came to my rescue. Jumping on it's back and slaying the vile creature.
The Arc de Triomphe. Well, it was quiet. Nowhere near as busy as I thought it'd be. Not enough Jeremy Clarksons me thinks.
Notre Dame. Well, it was big. Very, very big. Unfortunately so were the queues. So we didn't go in. My dreams of running in shouting "SANCTUARY" are scuppered once again. =(
The Louvre was busy. Paris seems to be very busy for some reason. I don't see why really. Well, it was impressive enough. Didn't go in though. Too long a queue and not enough shade.
Americans. Even when they aren't at war with a country, they're invading in force. We saw loads of them today. Quote of typical American after seeing a Chinese man...
Yeah... *rolls eyes* Casual racism for the win then... *face palm*
Now, four hours after entering the Eiffel tower I have left. This was due to a major, and I mean major, communications break down. This I accept. I think the others think I'm angry at them/annoyed/pissed off. Well, as a matter of fact, I'm not. I'm relieved. As I said, I do not like heights. I've put a brave face on it for four hours but all that time with a niggling fear has taken it's toll. I was shaking on the train back to the hostel. I've been bursting out laughing for no reason. I've cried for a bit before composing myself. However, I am fine now. Just a little shaky. Hopefully tomorrow is just as eventful.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.