Sunday, July 11

Andrews European Adventure - Part the first...

(Please note that this blog was wrote at the time...)

Star date - 0111011011101010 (1st of July 2010)

1005 hours.

Arrived in France. Reicieved silly Scouts Scotland flag thing. Photos to follow on facebook...

Today, the explorers invaded France. The French quickly retreated, leaving vast ammounts of land to us...
Right, now I am on a bus. Jenny is refusing to sit at the back (I wonder why) Daniel is grinning idiotically and Dene is, well, Dene. Ross is on the pull, "it was rather exhausting..." *playah*

I have discovered that France is quite hot. Not good for "white boys" like me and Dan. Chuck is wondering why everything is in French - hmm, silly Nik.

Despite the fact that most of us are out of school, conversation turns to school stuff. How good is our French? How do we say our names in Binary? Hmm, fun times... Catriona has already added to our "interesting" relationship. Which will remain a constant source of laughter and joy for me.

At Beauvais, we wondered about for a while, missed two trains, one bus and almost a third train. Wasn't so funny at the time...

Visited the coolest WC in the world. It was like the Darth Vader chamber thingy. =D Had the greatest McFlurry ever. Good times. :) Discovered a distinct lack of vegetarian food in France though... Everyone go Aww for Cat.

We are in a DOUBLE DECKER TRAIN atm. It's awesome. However, as I have my boots off, it doesn't smell to nice right now.

Hiking was fun *rolls eyes* I swiftly discovered that I had the heaviest bag and that I would lag behind. By about 5 minutes. And I'm sweating like a fat kid in a cake shop. Lovely.

After three wrong turns, two fall outs and a minor incident involving French junkies and a "dead end", we reached our camp site. Drenched in sweat. After a "quick" welcome, tents were pitched, showers had and the pool invaded. The hotter the sun, the cooler the water. So, it felt sooooo good. :) After hiding nipples from Jenny, Jack having an orgasm from the bubble machine and Cat being scared of teh cold, relaxing time happened.Finally, I'm beginning to resemble a human being again.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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