Wednesday, July 21

Andrews European Adventure - Part the sixth...

"Scout town"
Well, "sleeping" on the floor has taken its toll. My posture is terrible. My back is sore. I didn't sleep. Not good. Might be on the floor again tonight. Oh dear. Not good also. Andy (other Andy) also slept on the floor and he said he was quite comfy. Well, he crazy. Thats all there is to it.
Had to walk to the co-op for breakfast (yes, they do have co-ops in Switzerland, along with cannabis iced tea...) It was a fair walk but it was a good breakfast. Mmmm, pastry. Nice pastry.
Then up the hill time. It. Was. Stunning! I actually love Switzerland now. Went tobogganing. Was very fun. Especially when you "can't understand" the slow down signs... Brilliant.
Dene hugged a cow. Honest. He also tried to feed it Jenny's shoes and socks. Alisdair the cow was having none of it though.
Now, it has been brought to my attention that I am "spending too much time with the girls." Yeah, ok. Your point? I get on with them as much as I get on with you guys. And at least they don't expect me to instantly judge a girl as soon as I see her. I don't like doing that. It's a bit shallow.
Anyway, met other Scottish scouts today. From Livingston. They were actually quite cool. They did mock me when I was supporting Uraguay in the pub, but everyone else did that anyway. Oh well, onwards and upwards I guess...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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