Monday, July 19

Andrews European Adventure - Part the fifth...

"Still waiting"
I got up at 6.30 this morning. You should all be proud of me. Why? Cause I got up at 5.30 UK time, thats why. Anyway, we had brekkers, then left the hostel to get our 9.10 train. Well, it's 10.50 and I'm still in Paris. And I'm not on a train... Do the math people. Anyway, I'm sitting on a floor at "la gare de lyon" waiting for the "responsible" adults to return. We are soooo organised. Now, 1pm in another station in Paris. And I'm still waiting...
5.05pm- Just left Dijon. So second train now. Interesting. Well, it's hot again. Not good. Catriona, my lovely wife, has drawn a picture of me, and I look like a gorilla. Fantastic. Jenny is sleeping... Awww, where's the permanent marker when you need it?
Andy is giving me and Cat marriage counselling. It's working well... *Rolls eyes* Anyway, she's the "perfect wife" and she wants some fruit cake. So that means I have to find some. And I will. Eventually. I'm a good husband. Honest. Oh wait, she wants some "cake with fruit in it." Theres a big difference there. *rolls eyes*
7.35pm- Got on Geneva train. (2nd time lucky) Panicked as original train was late, then rushed on to what we thought was the right train. Well, it wasn't. All is good now. Heart rate almost normal now... Dene is taking photos of everything. And I mean, everything. People, animals, chairs, light bulbs, signs, flowers, cliffs, buildings, water and sweet wrappers.
9.55pm- In switzerland now, the most neutral country in the world. Seems ok so far. Bit dark though.
11.45pm- Changed train. Very dark outside, too light inside. Catriona's getting tired. So's everyone apart from me really. Well, Dene isn't. But he never sleeps anyway.
0.10am- Another day, another train. This time to Kandersteg (where the camp site is.) Well, I say camp site. I mean chalet. Wooo. Unfortunately, I have no bed, but thats a very minor detail. I'll deal with that later. Anyway, spirits are high, eyes are drooping and we still have a 20 minute walk after this...
Only the strongest will survive I guess.
1.30am- Arrived at Kandersteg camp site. I am sleeping on the floor. We'll see how this goes in the morning...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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