Tuesday, July 27

Andrews European Adventure - Part the tenth...

Well, I'm leaving Bavaria behind and heading for the Czech Republic. Praha, here I come. After 5 hours on this train... Hmm, fun times ahead. So what have I resorted to to keep my sanity? My MP4. (Thanks to Jack for providing the means to charge the bad boy up) So far I've listened to the JCB song, Bittersweet Symphony, Wonderboy, Slipknot, and a four person version of "Everywhere I go" by Hollywood Undead. (Dene beasted that can I tell you) Anyway, yeah. Much fun.
However, I have reached a conclusion about other matters. I have a problem. Euros. They're almost all gone. I think I have €20 left to last me three days. I have about 800 Korona for Prague, so hopefully anything left can become euroish shaped. I like that plan. Fingers crossed.
Well, I'm in Prague now. And it's quite, umm, old. Lots of gargoyles and gothic architecture. Yeah. My kind of place... *Rolls eyes* However a massive meal for three cost €25. Which is awesome. Finally, cheap food. Hooray!
For some reason, some memebers of the group think that it is funny that I liked a girl. When they read this, I hope they can let me know whats so funny about it. Thanks. I knew and accepted that nothing would happen. I don't like distance remember... Big deal. Andrew's moved on (again). So anyway, please let me know what was funny. Cause you were all really annoying.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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