Friday, July 23

Ok, a break from Europe.

Well, I'm getting a bit fed up of just typing up my "Diary of events" from my European Expedition. So, I'm just going to have a break. Where I blog about whatever interesting topics pop into my head. So here goes.

Firstly, hello all. It's been a while since I have blogged about the now, rather than two/three weeks ago, so this makes a nice change. I hope that everyone is enjoying their holidays. However, I know many people aren't. Whether it's they can't get a job, they're bored or personal reasons, these holidays seem to have grabbed life by the ball sack and given it a good squeeze. Well, cheer up. It could be worse. You could be dead. Whats that? It can't get worse, well, look on the bright side. Things can only get better. See, be cautiously optimistic. It's fun.

Well, I'm not cautiously optimistic. I'm optimistically pesimistic. Why? Because I'm never let down and I'm always pleasantly surprised. It makes life happy this way. If you always prepare for the worst but hope for the best then you'll feel let down when everything goes in the crapper. I prepare for the worst, expect the worst and I am perfectly ready for life to kick me when I'm down. So when that doesn't happen, I am pleasantly surprised. If it does happen, I am prepared for it. See, makes sense.

Secondly, I passed my driving test. This is just to let anyone that reads this but not my facebook know. I do believe that my fan base has decreased, but due to the fact I have absolutely no bloody idea who reads this, that could be anywhere between one reader and fifty. So I'll keep my fingers crossed. Anyway, yeah. I can drive. By myself. Yay! Now this is where things go downhill. In a zafira. Oh. And it's my Dads. Oh. And I doubt he'll let me drive it alone. Oh. So now that I have entered that stage in life where I need as much money as a job at a pie stand can bring me, and I need/want a car. Oh dear. So if anybody wishes to donate any money to this, ummm, "Save the dying children in Africa of 'Stickittothemanitis'" Please donate what you can to me. I shall be sure to pass it on. Honest.

Thirdly, Party. Well, if you've been invited to it by my friend Scott, you know what I'm talking about. This is a message from me and him, as we planned the damn thing. If you aren't dying, come. Simple. If you are dying, a simple note from your GP will excuse you. Please present the note to either me or Scott and we shall excuse you but suggest you go to one last party...

Fourthly, Girls. Stop calling me cute. Really. I'm a terrifying ogre. Rawr. I'm not cute. Me liking someone isn't cute. My coughing is not cute. My room is not cute. What I blog about is not cute. I am not cute. Capiche?

Fifthly, Girls. Well, you can't live with them, and you can't live without them. So why do I always end up liking the ones that will either A) hurt me the most. B) annoy me the most. C) Won't like me back. Why? Is it my subconscious telling me "Andrew, you actually like rejection..." or is it just simply my wonderful luck again. Well, I'll prepare for the worst and then some. Cause life's like that to me sometimes.

Sixthly, Facebook. Shut the hell up. Stop suggesting friends to me. Has it ever occured to you that I don't want to be friends with that person/people? Well, I don't. I don't want to use friend finder and I don't want you to suggest friends from my MSN. At all. So drop it.
Also, People of Faceboogle. Lend me your ears... STOP WHINING! I'm getting fed up of all the miserable stuff some people are saying. Cheer up. Life isn't that bad. Can you walk? Can you talk? Then go outside and make some real friends and not just people you meet online. Ok? You want a boyfriend? Then I suggest looking. Thats a much better idea than sitting on your arse waiting for Prince Charming. Hate to break it to you, but lifes not like that. You come into the world kicking and screaming and from then on it's a struggle to get anything. So make the most of it. Struggle. Struggle to be liked. And then eventually, it won't be a struggle. And you can focus on struggling for other "important" things. Like making a living or something like that.

Well, that should do for now. I have ranted and got things off my chest. Hopefully, I can fit two "European Adventure" things in one post. We shall see next time.

Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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