Thursday, July 22

Andrews European Adventure - Part the seventh...

"On the road again..."
Well, I'm back on an epic train journey. From Kandersteg to Ingolstadt. This will be fun *rolls eyes* Very fun. We're going through three countries today. Wooo!
Last hours of Kandersteg were frantic. Getting facebooks and said goodbye to people we'll never see again. Aww. Sad face. At the tran station we found "Iced tea - With cannabis." Hmm, interesting. God bless Switzerland. At least the trains so far have been air conditioned.
Obviously, I spoke too soon, this train ( Munich - Ingolstadt) is boiling. Honest. I can see heat haze inside the train. Windows are open, so hopefully it'll cool down quick.
Another annoying thing. Overhead luggage racks. Whats the bloody point if the only thing that can fit in them is a briefcase? None. At all.
Me and Jack lost our "German virginity" together. It was beautiful. We didn't melt or burst into flames upon contact, so fingers crossed on that continuing.
There is however on major, and i mean MAJOR, problem. I don't speak German. At all. I think "Guten tag" means hello. So hopefully thats right and I can learn quickly. Hopefully. This could get interesting...
The second problem is football. Tonight is Germany against Spain. Guess who most of my friends want to win... Spain. Yeah, Oh good. Me and Dene are going for Germany though. So we'll be safe. Hopefully.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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