Friday, July 16

Andrews European Adventure - Part the second...

"Bring me the Horizon."
Today was much tougher, much, much, much longer hike. In fact, as I write this, I'm still doing it. The morning was hot, real hot, and the afternoon was wet, real wet. Temperatures easily 30 degrees + and a thunderstorm at about 5 o clock. Makes things interesting shall we say. Yes, I am still dripping with sweat but as everyone else is too, it's acceptable.
Onto important news. I'm married. To Catriona. Yeah, the plot thickens people... Anyway, the bill for the camp says "M et Mme McArdle" so obviously, I'm married to someone. Unfortunately, things aren't looking good so we might need to end our marriage... I'm getting the house though.
My lunch today consisted of ice cream. Lots of ice cream. Oh, and orange juice. Mustn't forget that.
While on this hike, I've learnt things. I can keep walking in blistering heat humming "Just keep swimming..." In thunderstorms, I forget that trees are bad. And that you should avoid them. Woops. That I don't like hikes. That old French men are very rude. And that French shops are incredibly hard to find...
The first person to collapse on the trip was....
me. Woops. I'm all embarassed now.
Right then, at the campsite now. At 11.30. 13 hours after we set off this morning. Feet are killing me. Shoulders are aching. I need sleep. Now. So I'm sleeping under the stars tonight.
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.

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