Saturday, July 17

Andrews European Adventure - Part the third...

"A good knowledge of French."
Today, I woke up, sun glaring at me, and one thing just popped into my mind...
Then I remembered. We didn't put it up last night. Woooo. So, after explaining to the nice French lady why we had crashed on her driveway and why we hadn't registered, all is well. Then. The toilets. Yeah, they were, umm, "hygenic." Well, me and Jack refrained from showering till we got to the Youth Hostel. So we still have our "Shower Tokens." Woops. Well, we have a souveneir now.
Anyway, I came back from the showers and all my stuff is outside. And it's raining. Oh dear. So, anyway, all my stuff is soaking. Including the paper I wrote this blog on. So it was rather hard to do.
Well, I don't boast about my French (and for good reason) but somehow, I manage to blag a lift to the nearest train station. Everyone now suddenly loves me for some reason...
Catriona is celebrating by being a "pea on a fork." Yeah... *rolls eyes* On the subject of Catriona, our marriage has now picked up from outright hostility to civility. We're calling each other honey and she'll actually hug me. So as I said earlier, all is well.
Once again though...
So, I'm in a Youth Hostel now. Or as some people call it, a "homeless shelter." It has internet. It has showers. It has a pool table. It has a bar. Therefore, it is awesome. Most comfy place I've slept since Monday. Yay. Anyway, I'm gonna go eat soon. So bye.
Peace out bubs.
Princess out.

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