*Mad scientist voice* "LET US BEGIN!"
January. I can't remember most of that month as I was involved in Irving's infamous 18th Birthday party. No, I did not shave off anyones eyebrows. Yes, I did pass out. On the stairs. And then next to someone. Geeez. Also, This is the month in which I got my reputation as a cup sucker and as the reverse joker...
February was a busy month. I ended my relationship with Michelle and generally was miserable for the rest of the month. That's pretty much all I can say about this month.
March. Megan's 18th. I think. Well, I remember shouting, falling, throwing up, falling asleep on stairs and singing. Actfast, That fantastic little charity event that involved me starving myself. I had fun with that. Also, that was the month I started blogging. So click here to look at my favourite post from March. (I know it's blowing my own trumpet, but I'll do this for all the following months. The posts that I felt are important.)
April is when Lent ended. April is when I was reintroduced to meat. I had Sarah's 18th party. And some, umm, incriminating photo's of a certain someone. That's all I'm saying. Click here for my "blog of the month"
No, not James May. The month. Idiots...
Got girlfriend. Got dumped by girlfriend. Start of study leave and the end times of school. Went to London for a football game instead of revising. "Blog of the month" is here...
June was the month of many things. Last exam. Jodie's Birthday. Camping trips. My geek pilgrimage and much more besides that. I dressed in drag for the first (and not the last) time. (I shouldn't be proud of that...) And here's the "blog of the month"
July was the month of hiking. The month of foreign countries. The month of pain.
Main event was obviously my European Adventure. However many blog posts it took to show them all. Also, My brothers Birthday happened. But that's not too important. "Blog of the month" (and it's not a European adventure one...)
What month is after July? Anyone.
Thanks mum.
Mum's Birthday. Dad's Birthday. Passed Driving Test! Started going out with someone properly for the first time in months. Wooo. Finally finished typing those pesky European Adventure blogs. "Blog of the month"
Started uni. Started Vlogging... (Which failed...) Did nothing else really. At all. Pretty boring if I'm honest... "Blog of the month"
Became single again. Celebrated my birthday with the extended family 3 weeks early. Got George. The ukelele. "Blog of the month." (It could save your life...)
My 18th. My guide to sarcasm was put on the blog. (and is my blog of the month.) Paintballed for the first time. Woooo! "A guide to sarcasm"
This month. December
Santa visited. Gave Andrew presents. Thats it really. My blog of the month for this month will be this one. Purely for the feedback I got from it.
I would like to thank specific people for their support this year but I highly doubt anyone has got this far. I'll do it in my next post. For all to see. At the start.
So all that leaves me to say I guess is "Happy New Year" and...
Peace out bubs.
Andrew out.